Conception du meuble et projet insufflé par Camille Martenot et Louka Azzopardi.
Bibliothèque itinérante et participative proposée aux étudiant·e·s de l’isdaT.
Réalisation de l’identité visuelle, logotype, et des objets imprimés (marques-page, inventaire, invitations, etc.) mais également de plusieurs ateliers autour du livre, du fanzine et de la notion de récupération.

Furniture design and project inspired by Camille Martenot and Louka Azzopardi.
Library available to all isdaT students.
Design of the visual identity, logo, and printed objects (bookmarks, inventory, invitations, etc.) but also of several workshops around the book, the fanzine and the notion of recovery.

♀ about the font : Authentic Sans 60, 90, 130, 150 by Christina Janus and Desmond Wong is a typeface intended for situations where Oriya Sangam MN seems too sophisticated and LiHei Pro too vulgar, or vice versa. Authentic Sans explores the semiotic and aesthetic idiosyncrasies of the anonymous Latin glyphs included with CJK system fonts; the typeface aims to subvert the Eurocentric standards of typographic quality and refinement.